
Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders for the procurement of 4 units of station wagon 5-7 seats

The Ethiopian Herald Wednesday February 26, 2025


FLOATING DATE: AS OF March 5, 2025

RFQ No. 4272129

1. Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders by this Open National Competitive Bid (NCB) for the procurement of 4 units of Station Wagon 5-7 seats with RFQ No 4272129. The Bid remains floating from March 5, 2025, to March 27,2025.

Bid documents can be obtained from the following web sites www. afrotender.com www.extratenders.com and www.2merkato.com upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Birr 100.00 (Birr one hundred only) by using tele birr payment platform. In addition, if you are interested to be on the Supplier list of Ethio telecom please register using the following link or copy and paste the link on a browser "https://erp.Ethiotelecom.et/OAHTML/jsp/pos/suppreg/Supplier Register.jsp?ouid=0EED8A04B857259C"

2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Ethio telecom's website (i.e. https://www.Ethiotelecom.et/tender/).

2.1 Sealed bids marked as: Tender for the Procurement of Station Wagon 5-7 seat; with RFQ No. 4272129 be addressed to:

Ethio telecom,

Head Quarter

Supply Chain Division No

2nd Floor, Room No.211B,

P. O. Box 1047,

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2.2 Bid proposal will be received at Ethio telecom, Head Quarter 2nd Floor, Room No 211B, Before or on March 27, 2025, 5:00 PM. Bids presented by any bidder after the closing date shall not be accepted.

Ethio Telecom





Ethio telecom, previously known as the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation, is an Ethiopian telecommunication company serving as the major internet and telephone service provider. Ethio telecom is owned by the Ethiopian government and maintains a monopoly over all telecommunication services in Ethiopia.

Code: AFRO-301330 Type: Ncb - national competitive bidding Language: English Region: Addis ababa city administration Source: Ethiopian herald Security amount: Document amount: Published: 26-Feb-25 (2 weeks ago) Deadline: 27-Mar-25 (13 days left)