Bid documents
can be obtained from ethio telecom’s web sites, and upon payment of
a non-refundable fee of Birr 100.00 (Birr One hundred only) by
using tele birr payment platform.
In addition, if you are interested to be on the
supplier list of ethio telecom please register using the following link or copy
and paste the link on a browser
1.Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from ethio’s website (i.e.,,,
and in person from Mekelle Main Office, 3rd Floor
and Room No 301
Sealed bids marked as: Tender for the Construction of Toilet
shower septic tank and tanker stand for Mekelle Garage (Lot 01),
Construction of fence for Maichew shop (Lot 02), Construction of fence for
Agulae franchise shop (Lot 03), and Construction of Concrete Pavement for
Mekelle Warehouse (Lot 4). With RFQ No. 4271778 and be addressed to:
Ethio telecom,
North Region,
Supply Chain Section
3rd Floor, Room No.301
Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia
1.1. Bid proposal
will be received at ethio telecom, North region Office, 3rd
Floor, Room No. 301, Before or on February 13, 2025 2:00 P.M. Bids
presented by any bidder after the closing date shall not be accepted.
2. Bids received in time and fulfilling the other
formalities shall be opened in the presence of interested bidders or their
legal representatives on February 13, 2025 at 2:30 P.M, at ethio telecom, North
region Office, 3rd Floor, Room
No. 301, before or on.
3. Ethio telecom
reserves the right to reject all or parts of this bid.
4. Partial bid is allowed per lot, Maximum of two lots.
Ethio telecom, previously known as the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation, is an Ethiopian telecommunication company serving as the major internet and telephone service provider. Ethio telecom is owned by the Ethiopian government and maintains a monopoly over all telecommunication services in Ethiopia.